Cover Songs

How much does it cost?
Licensing costs include royalties, all of which go to the copyright holder, plus a fee for our services.
Royalties vary by format; Our fee is $16.99 per format per song. Volume discounts are available.
Click the following link for more information or to estimate your licensing costs. You can get an
exact quote by submitting your songs to us for a free search.

How long does it take to get my Proof of Licensing?
About 1-2 business days after we receive your payment. If you choose to wait for search results
before buying, add 1-2 business days for a total of 2-4 business days from the time you submit your
What do I get as Proof of Licensing?
You get a signed statement from us explaining our commitment to follow every step of the United
States Compulsory Mechanical Licensing law on your behalf to the extent that you may legally
distribute your recording of the listed copyrighted songs. We also provide information about how to
include liner note credits for the publishers and composers of the songs you use.
Click here for more information.
Do I get the actual licenses, the paperwork signed by the publishers?
No. Under Compulsory Law, no paperwork is received from the copyright holders. Instead, a
license is automatically granted and the copyright holder is not required to send any return
paperwork. Instead, we give you a signed statement explaining all the steps of the Compulsory Law
and our legal commitment to follow through with those steps on your behalf.
Click here for more information.
How is it possible for you to help me license any song?
Meant to foster creativity, the Compulsory Mechanical Licensing Law makes it possible for you to
legally record your new version of any existing song, even without the copyright holder's express
permission. If you ask a publisher directly, they can demand any fee or reject your request outright.
But under Compulsory Law, they cannot reject the license. Even in cases where the copyright
holder is highly protective of their work, this law allows small-timers to cover some very popular
Click here for more information.
How does licensing for digital downloads and interactive audio streams work?
For digital downloads and interactive audio streams, you pre-pay for a certain number of downloads
or streams up-front before you distribute. We suggest you license what you think you will sell in one
year. It's up to you to monitor your sales and make sure you do not exceed what you have licensed.
You can always come back and get a new license for additional units. If it's an exact re-order
without changes, our fee is half-price. This makes it easy for you to license only what you need
upfront and avoid paying too much in fees for reorders..
What if I sell out and need to distribute more copies of my album?
It's up to you to monitor your sales and make sure you do not exceed what you have licensed. You
can always come back to us and get a new license for additional units. If it's an exact reorder
without changes, our fee is half-price. This makes it easy for you to license only what you need
upfront and avoid paying too much in fees for reorders.
If I do CDs and digital downloads, does that require two separate licenses?
Yes. We have to send separate paperwork for each different format you release. So, if you plan to
distribute on multiple formats, such as CDs and digital downloads, you will need to buy a separate
license for each, and we will have to charge our fee each time.
What information do you need from me?
We need to know your complete contact information, the title of your album, and the artist (you or your
group). We need to know what formats you will release (CDs, Digital Downloads, Interactive Audio
Streams) and how many copies of each format. Finally, we need to know the title, composer or
original recording artist, and length of your recording of each song in minutes and seconds. You can
submit this online or email it to us.
What methods of payment do you accept?
We accept PayPal online, and credit card payments online and over the phone. If you wish to pay by
check, send your payment, written to Legacy Productions, to 2600 N 2nd Street, Minneapolis, MN
What is your refund policy?
We will automatically refund the royalties and fees for any song we find to be in the Public Domain
and for any song we are unable to license due to our inability to locate the copyright holder. Except
for these two cases we will not refund your money after a license has been purchased. This
includes cases where we cannot license your songs due to restrictions of the Compulsory
Mechanical Licensing Law of the United States. Please make certain you understand these
limitations before placing your order. IDBLM filing and the IDBLM Seal of Authenticity are

General FAQ

What Is Music Publishing

Music publishing is the business of promotion and monetization of musical compositions: music publishers ensure that songwriters receive royalties for their compositions, and also work to generate opportunities for those compositions to be performed and reproduced.

Publishing is the oldest vertical of the music business. It was there long before the first recording mediums came around, and in the early 20th century, sheet music publishing pretty much ran the music business. Publishers were in charge of putting compositions to paper, producing songbooks, distributing them to the stores, and compensating authors for the commercial use of their works


What is a copyright?

Copyright protection concerns original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. Works of authorship include the following categories:

(1) literary works;
(2) musical works, including any accompanying words;
(3) dramatic works, including any accompanying music;
(4) pantomimes and choreographic works;
(5) pictorial, graphic, and sculptural works;
(6) motion pictures and other audiovisual works;
(7) sound recordings; and
(8) architectural works.
(b) In no case does copyright protection for an original work of authorship extend to any idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described, explained, illustrated, or embodied in such work.

For more extensive and comprehensive information on copyrights go to https://www.copyright.gov/ and under copyright law review the Chapters and Appendices.


What are Cue sheets?

Cue sheets are the primary means by which performing rights organizations track the use of music in films and TV. Without cue sheets, it would be nearly impossible for such composers and publishers to be compensated for their work. An accurately filled out cue sheet is a log of all the music used in a production. You can submit your cue sheets to licensing@seadpublishing.com

What's your return policy?

In the event that the composition or master are defective in any way, Licensee's only remedy shall be a refund of the license fee.

Do i own the recordings i purchase/license?

No. We license the music to you for specific permitted uses. We retain ownership of the song and master recording that we produce in-house. Our producers, artists and composers also retain ownership of their copyright


We do not accept tracks with uncleared and undeclared samples.

Do i get any royalties from you?

All writer's share is yours. We don't sell your music like a record label would and then pay. Eliminating the need for us to collect other royalties. We add your music to the PRO and collect just the publisher's share.

What percentage do i get? What about back-end royalties?

All writer's share is yours. We don't sell your music like a record label would. Eliminating the need for us to collect other royalties. 

Are there any submissions needed to be a part of the promo compilation CD?

For promo releases we go by the best tracks submitted or signed during a specific time period like a month or a season like summer, Halloween or Christmas or latest & greatest. Our team listens and votes on them. We also pick from tracks that are being licensed the most.

We also release promos for the purpose of including it in programming for in store entertainment, jukebox and others. Especially happen if you don't have major distribution for the tracks signed.

Such releases are marketed to our clients, used tp generate extra buzz and raise the value of your tracks . Sales or streaming revenue from those releases will go directly to you. You can collect those royalties through Sound Exchange and others.

In Section 7 of the contract, it says that you can edit/change the title of the track without my approval. Will you notify me if there are changes made? I'm thinking about how this could impact the PROs.

You are basically giving us the right to create previews, the right to license part of your songs, the right to use a portion of your tracks for promotional purposes including sonic enhancement, volume etc... You are granting our clients the right to use portions of the tracks, change volume or enhance sonically if needed. For instance, for broadcast, the volume of the music can not exceed a specified loudness. We don't fundamentally change the tracks nor do we grant such rights our clients.

Additionally we don't change the title, we simply add the SP identifier at the end of your tracks when we register them with the PROs to eliminate confusion.

What format music do you accept?

We accept only accept WAV and AIFF - We prefer Wav mastered at 24bit 48000 Hz or higher preferred.

How do i send you music.

We do not accept unsolicited music. But don't give up - email us info@audilus.com.

Can i still make an album with the songs and sell it myself as (my name) as long as there is no other publisher / record label that promotes the songs or have the songs in their catalogue?

Yes. That is correct. Do keep in mind that it is a full publishing agreement so all writer's share and artist's share and sales of singles all go back to you. We do release quarterly latest and greatest compilation albums.

will I need to remove the music that I submit from my website and streaming platforms in order to have them with your library?

Our agreement is a full exclusive publishing agreement (per track). The cues and tracks you sent to us will be represented by us exclusively. The tracks cannot be signed to another publisher for the term.

Is the term annual or is the initial term for usage longer?

The term is one year, auto renew unless you decide to terminate. It typically takes a year to get your music to the right ears for sync. The usage term depends on the third party that we license the track to. - i.e. if we get a placement for your track for an ad campaign, the track will be used by that agency for the term on contract that they paid (you) for, even if your publishing agreement is no longer in effect.

How will I know that the tracks you are interested in specifically are being licensed?

We update you when your music has been licensed. Additionally, if it is broadcast or back-end generating placement, you will obtain this information along with payment from your PRO.

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